our post-pre-reg pharmacist dinner treat

boss treated all of us to dinner at sushi tei at vivocity. so generous of him and i think we spent a bomb. but the most amazing thing was that he also gave us presents as a congratulatory gift - each of us got a different watch. amazed and touched. he even wrote a lil postcard for each of us. thank goodness jess hp and i arrived first to chop seat, then we realised tt perhaps we ought to get smth for him and bought him ties. if not will be super paiseh. i think its a chinese-thing. when ppl give u things u shld not be empty-handed in return. a very chinese thought. anyway. we went emergency shopping and bought him 2 ties in a pretty box. and got marks & spencers goodies for the rest too. like doggy bags. it was a good evening, joking away, more relaxed, lotsa stories. he said that our batch impresses him compared to prev batches. big happy. said smth about teamwork. i think cos we all like to play. haha. but i must say our 5 roses + thorn is quite cohesive. we hold on together thru the ardous journey. haha. looking forward to our batam trip to celebrate our end of training this weeekend. =)
timbre, johanna's farewellwent to timbre to bid farewell to johanna. tho she & em & kim came to shalom just a couple of times, still quite sad to see her go. cos perhaps she wont come back anymore. gg there to get married. to stay in Indiana. a new life. wow. anyway EIC was playing but only Jack was there. sarah was so utterly disappointed and whiny. ahha. feels like i see sarah very often this week. (sat sun mon wed). eeeeeee. haha. anyways we did a dedication for her, and EIC sang the cover of the Mr Big's oldie - Wild World as a farewell song. 'take good care'.

johanna giving me the fierce why-u-take-photo-of-me look

timbre is a nice place, very interesting, open-air, with lotsa trees shielding the place. just that we got a bit lost walking from bugis la. okay. my hand-drawn map wasnt very good either. ended up getting a bit lost ard SMU. but EIC is good, as always. a nice place to chill. tho i'm utterly pooped from Open Shop duties this whole week + no koalaing for past weekend.
well, we'll be praying for u, dearest girl. God be with u till we meet again..
today i had some pharmacist pledge ceremony briefing. got to see my class again. so happy. now we all are official p'cists!!! michelle was so hyper, and she and i were just bimboing away. that girl. i think working with her will be awfully fun. (and noisy. in fact. chaotic. hilarious.) we were just bitching about how horrible some patients are and how both of us kenna suanned cos of our cannot-make-it chinese. mich is horrible la. she said chen-tock-seng in chinese. faintsssss.... 'tock' what.. anyway... after that xq huirei sweesung and me then sat at delifrance and continued our horror stories. rough day for both of them today. can get quite tough really. when circumstances drive u up the wall and ur tolerance level is up to ur neck. uuhghghghghg... hold on pharm sisters..