i promise to sleep at least 6 hours everyday.
really hope to keep that promise. does sleeping on the mrt count?
weigh'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath...
i promise to sleep at least 6 hours everyday.
finished my 3 weeks in paediatrics. how i had so much to say, to tell, of those kids who are born all wrong, the agony and the guilt that their parents go thru to see their child in pain. how helpless medical care is to correct their extent of defect. to see deformities and developmental deficits in children who will never experience a normal life. unimaginable inborn errors. there is a sad story behind every child. to live behind a glass screen and think all humans wear masks, aprons and gloves. perhaps when angels take them away, do not weep. for although they cannot experience the joys in life, often, life has few joys. life is wrought with pain and suffering. sometimes its better not to live.
thankful for daily strength to cope