weigh'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
i'm fed up. fed up of having to squeeze on the bus and arrive in a dishrivelled mess everyday. fed up of having aching feet, fed up of being screamed at just because different people tell me different things. fed up of having rushed lunch, fed up of travelling so far so early everyday. fed up of not having my pharm sisters around, so utterly displaced from my life now. fed up of being alone in my struggles. fed up of spending yet another weekend alone.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
well well
this spells the end of the 2 day orientation and 2 week induction period.. tmr i am going to i/p proper. i think i can only expect, and mentally prepare myself for harder things...(for the lack of a word! oh!) the past week in o/p has been super busy, and has the added stress of patient contact. beginning to wonder if i dun learn to love my patients, how will i provide them the optimal care, and how will i ever find satisfaction in my job? they are not patient patients at all.. so many times i am met with hostility and fedupness. and still must maintain my plastic smile. and try not to take it personally. easy to say, hard to do, when the person at the other end is screaming at u as u struggle to help them with drug queries etc... and i held up for a week until today. thank you jiat for being around. well, u kinda had no choice as u were also thrown into o/p with me hahhaa. but i loved having u ard the past 2 wks tog, and wheah for the rest of our preceptorship we're separated.. yeeng do u know jiat can also talk in a happy-sunny-day voice?
anyway today i bought contacts. hah. shld not b splurging. took me ever so long just to get them on!!! in total i took them on and off 4 times, and it took me 20mins. the optometrist (who i have been gg to since pri sch) is just so nice. then jooch told me he took ONE hour. and in the end they ask him to go home and practice. then he tried for 45min at home in the toilet and he say his mum thought he died in there. haha. i think his eyes are too small.
yest i went to MPSH to get my grad stuff. whoa. really alot of gowns. and starting to feel super excited. and i think the hat looks damn cock la. but then, just look at the Masters hat. even more cock. looks like the ice pillow pack u put on ur head when u have a headache.
well, tmr, new phase, gg for bfast with NUH gang at 8am. actually its a complimentary bfast that we havent redeemed since day 1. thru all our woes tog, i am glad of this bunch... and glad of my peripheral supporters like yeeng. & pharm sisters & lijie... hee. and main supporter joochbear. and disappearing supporters like ONE SMELL. and everyone else who sees this rant, hang on, if u nd to hang on, let go, and go crazy at the Great Singapore Sale..............i havent bought my stuff
Friday, June 22, 2007
hee!!! i got an ecard from YEENG!!! and its so cute.. this lil ladybug is walking ard the ecard!!!ladybugs are special to yeeng and me. hee. cos yeeng is like a ladybug. and we both say "ladybug" in high pitch voices.. LADEEEEEEEEEEE-BUG!
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
try to sleep now, close ur eyes,
soon the birds will stop singing,
twinkling stars, all shining bright,
they will be watching u all night.
all the things you enjoy, on this beautiful day.
all your toys, all your friends,
will be waiting for u to play
try to sleep now, close ur eyes,
try to think of tml
all the stars, wish u goodnight,
so i m switching off the light.
one more hug one more smile,
kiss u once kiss u twice
i'll be here.. forever,
try to sleep now and close your eyes
Sunday, June 10, 2007
my last week of holidays..
hmm. restful. that is how i would describe it.. and tho i STILL have not done many things tt i would hv liked to do, like:
- finish the lil book for yeeng
- paint smth on canvas
- clear my clothes cupboard*
- clear my 4yrs of notes and shit*
- finish making my graduation scrap book with mama
- go orchard many times & buy lotsa clothes
(*) means MUST do.. not like-to-do.. argh.... i need one more week!!!
but nevermind. oh well.. it was a quiet week, monday gg to sch to wash tents with the rovers.. which was fun cos really sit down and talk cock while the tents dried.. monday was also a tender day with joochbear.. reaffirming one another.. not to be overlooked, very happy..
i went to visit my fav pharm sis for lunch at the yummy yummy chicken rice.. heng i arrived one hour early, cos they were let off for lunch super early.. faints.. timing so erractic.. suddenly it struck me then that huirei and xq are really gg to be AWAY from me.. they are there, i am here.. wheah... i am gg to miss them very much. chances are best we meet once a fortnight or so, its not gg to be the same again... i miss my pharm sisters. *high pitch wheah-sound*. then i went to paint banner for our grad dinner.. talk cock sing song again..
the rest of the days was just spent slacking, doing nothing much in particular.. i realise, wed night is a very nice time to watch tv. got my fav korean serial followed by a chinese travel show, then benedict goh serial then my Planet Earth documentary.. grand total of FOUR hours nonstop tv. hee...completed 4 pages of scrap book with mama, spending hours on paper patterns, ribbons and colour coordinations. uuuugggggghhhh.friday night out with the roosters, and we ate alot!!! there is thiss steamboat place in bugis which was sooo poorly ventilated and sooo noisy, we were talking like retards cos the conversation got repeated 3x. faintsssss.. but the company was gd, and we ate and ate and ate. normal steamboat stuff. but this place got an immense variety of mushrooms. haha. and alot of laughing too...and i ate and ate and ate such that i forgot to take photos. haha. later on we adjourned to the bugis macD cos our groups simply too big. and mao got forced to treat us again. cos mika insists that he got too much $ but no time to spend it. haha. faintss.... and we did some serious talking then, about careers, life, travel.. everything.. and poor jk got alternately scolded by mika & crystal when he innocently asked if i missed jooch. hahaha.. so poor thing!
the Travellers cheek lijie huixin mingwei also brought goodies to share ard.. and cheek brought this floppy chocolate.. that was very yummy, but so melted that when u loook at it from the side it just flops down. haha. chk out jiakai's can-this-chocolate-really-be-eaten face..
the roosters are a really special bunch of fwens, its amazing how, tho we seldom hv gatherings, but when everyone gathers it like we just met yesterday.. talk cock sing song like no ones business.. even tho we seldom meet, u know that they are there, and they really do care. like mika, who sent me 5 smses at 3am a few weeks back, just to say hallo. u know, that kind of heartwarming thing. that u walk away from nus & csc, happy tt u hv fwens like these.. roosters + my MC... really a wonderful grp of fwens who never fail to laugh every 5 minutes.. =)
this picture which cheek developed n brought along really caused alot of laughter... laugh until no sound. i nv realised its so funny too... hahhaha.. cos 3 of them look like lil kids... SOOOO cute.. why they pose so cutely, hahhaha.... faints.. lijie likes me to blog about her. haha. i shall say that i find it a relief to have her, mika and crystal ard. cos they are SOOO funny.. and their happiness just radiates out to everyone ard them.. with cheek adding in his grumpy funny comments, jiakai giving the oomph and mao being sarcastic.. and everyone else zhenhao claudine huiling mingwei huixin adding to the synergy... just seeing them yest makes me happy.. all starting work tog, into uncharted territories tog.. =)
i think the roosters would hv laughed even more jialat if they had seen this photo.. the original initial one. hahaha... conclusion: americans dunno how to help ppl take photo..
ok. ONE more day of holiday... wheeah....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
the Navy Open House.. with our tour guide Mighty Mao (who looks quite shocked in this picuture)
here we are at the expo.. every GIRL got a pamphlet from a guy who said he only gives girls pamphlets. i went to box him cos he missed me out. walking in front with mao. do i look like a guy?? raaaaaaaa...
here we are, waiting for the ride on mao's boat. look at fav crystal's hair! haha! cos of mao, we are the first to take the cruise. heehee. feel so priviledged.. mao's boat is called the Mine Counter Measure Vessel. haha. ask me what his boat is tmr, and i'll forget..
mao got cut on his arm. mika is pampering him. look at mao's happy face. this maoster.
finally we went on the boat for the boatride! mao was being laughed at, cos mao on duty tmr, yet still come. he got scolded 'keesiao' many times. haha. mao misses navy. haha. faints.. this is also an MCMV, we had to jump from mao's boat to this boat. but on one end, got 5 navy men to push u over. and on the other end, got another 5 navy men to catch u. but under ur legs as u jump, is just the sea. THE SEA. and the 2 MCMVs move apart rhythmically as the waves roll. very good. i jumped.
this is.. err.. Landing Ship Tank. at my last tour, the navy guy told me its also known as Lao Sai Tank cos there will be a lil boat called the Fast Craft Unit that will shit out and u can ride it... they really decor with flags. damn nice la. but i think the colour very drab..
if that really happened u will see every female running to the stage.
this is me on the Lao Sai Tank. damn nice la, all the flags. (they are actually alphabets) and the LST is the biggest ship. and the longest queue too. midday sun.. very hot!!!
ahh.. this is inside the LST. feels like we are inside a building right.. that lil boat there is the duck tour, which we are gian to take, but queue is so long! then the crowd of ppl in the Fast Craft Unit. look like illegal immigrants on an overcrowded boat. haha...