today i'm very happy... in fact i've been very happy since friday, with the providential arrival of my parcel to jooch. i posted it on tues, and it arrived on friday, very amazing timing.. that was certainly a very very timely arrival, up to the immediate second, for that time probably was one of the lowest points for jooch in the past 6 weeks and 2 days... he was smsing me, at first dull and wilted and sombre, then the next thing he was screaming in the sms & ph, to say a postman came to visit him. (i suspected the postman was cute or smth). anyway, echoing your sentiments exactly, we really ought to thank God for His timeliness to lift us out of despair in times of need!
I am very priviledged to have Pastor Stuart Olyott to be our church camp speaker. he is such a wonderful man of God, into his 60s.. a frail-looking man who has an amazing sense of British dry wit. like he tells u he's from Wales. and his next statement is "and its not a fish".
his sermons on fri & today were simply so wonderful; so evangelistic.. fri was on the gospel - Christ died for my sins + buried + rose again + was seen - an age-old truth that i have known, but was reminded of, and it had such an impact. a wonderful wakeup call. Today was of conversions; of great encouragement. The camp was on the 4 great blessings of the Christian life - Justification, Adoption, Sanctification and Assurance. I asked, with trembling, why must we be sanctified; how can it be considered a blessing when we are chastened. But God puts us thru this, so that our gold will shine all the more brighter, He puts us thru pain maybe so that we would learn to pray. to drive us back to Him. of which i am guilty not of. dear fwen mich, remember this ok?
see this picture, when jooch showed me, i felt very happy and smiled sweetly at him (i tot he was gg to ask if i wanted it). then he said that it reminded him of me. (starting to frown). he said that i have a skirt like this. MAJOR SULK. then he tried to shift the blame on yinggai saying yinggai also said it reminded him of me. STILL major sulk. i never had a skirt like this!!! wheah... this jooch.. easily distracted. i think he got me confused with Mary / Suzie / Jane... faints..

anyway we were recalling the times when he would say dumb things like that (like forgetting my name & staring at me in blankness. or purposely calling me Mary / Suzie instead) and make me sulky & act like a brat, but how we would end up laughing away in the end..