leaked some weakness
days of bleakness...
weigh'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath...
My favourite picuture of all (after about an hour doing this!)
white little bear on grass
(with the slogan: if u dun wear ur csc tshirt, u buy for what???)
the whole gang of us again.. they are halfway tearing down the finish line again. haha. ah qiu so funny, looks like she got 2 numbers. anyway i will nv forget the phrase that she said "every bit of my body is aching except my hair" haha!!! oh faints..
the run is fun. 8km. will i ever do more?
Friends so dear to me, I don’t know how to comfort you. Within a week, everyone of u are down. Girls are so fragile.
We meet new people along life’s way. Some step into our lives, some step out of it. Some are here to stay, some are here to leave. Some bring you such joy, some bring you such pain. Some stay with you, throughout life, some fall along the way. Is not that what life is all about?
Do u remember that day when u first met him?
How u didn’t think much of it? How the very first impression was formed? How that first meeting made u remember him the next time u saw him?
Exactly 2 years, St Patricks day.
Yeeng and I went to Munchie to hear Reverie. I think I will be a Reverie fan forever and ever. We were just drowning in the lead’s voice; him buble-ing, him bonjovi-ing. Yeeng and I being silly giggly girls. And then the band dedicated a song to ‘the two girls in black at the back’. (I think cos we were the only ones appreciating the band cos others found their food more interesting.) Then this yeeng, blushed pink! Haha! So funny. Giggly girls. Just the two of us.
I met u then. Yeeng saw u, u came over. Cant rem the conversation, but I know u had a black shirt with this cute 4-leaved clover pin on it. Yeeng and I whined for one too. (but u later admitted u couldn’t find any so u didn’t come back. Tsk tsk.) Munchie was crazy, beers, big tall hats, clovers hanging from the ceiling. Dizzy with music in the air. That was the atmosphere. This guy standing by my table, coming around now and then. And I found u cute.
U tried to drag us to the stage to play a game, some St Pats game. U had small eyes and a big nose. (u still have them) And they twinkled with fun. This I remember. I think we just whined back at u. 2 lesbian girls on a fun night out. We asked for a discount, and u settled that for us. Then most probably we whined our thankyous and called u a walking discount. And u flirted back, u big flirt.
I didn’t remember your name, even till a month later when csc was soliciting for guys at medical chkup for ethelonter camp. I just called u ‘discount card’. U tell me tt I was on top of the staircase & I screamed discount card. And a discount card u were, throughout the camp, our early days. Until when lijie made ur identifier, and ur name got shortened to jooch cos there was no space for –uan. And I bet u sulked. Haha.
This I remember, how I first met you.
this is jooch's vday gift for me - his scent. very special, cos its his smell. so much comfort. haha. tho its an half empty bottle, it really is a very precious gift! i can just remember. =)
this koala bear. when jooch went aussie he got it for me. its very small and cute. reminds me of him. he also has big ears and a big nose. just that jooch doesnt carry boomerangs.
Labels: my pharm sisters