the single oar ppl are the 'sweepers' and 'markers'. they sweep ppl. haha. and blow whistle at u. and when a big wave comes, & xq & i are screaming away, they come nearer to us in case we drown.
big waves are very scary ok.
and we got honked by a boat. (we honked him back by screaming away & paddling as fast as we could cos we are scared of big waves).
xq and me in action. ahha. see our coordination is superb hor. i dunno if she paddling right or left. but we managed to move faster than huirei & lijie..*evil laugh*

rafting is a time to really lie back. aching arms, aching back. and for once, no nd to worry about big waves so everyone buffers everyone.

our expedition leader said that to a ship, we look like a plastic bag on the ocean. i beg to differ. i think we look like a straw.
the straits is soooooo long. and we were warned to paddle fast cos there will b ships coming by. faints. i am a straw. and its scary enough getting honked at by an ubin bumboat. haha!
parts of the ocean were really rough, the undercurrent was really powerful. we saw flying fish! and also flying birds. steered clear of rocks. or tried to. and also, experienced a super erratic weather - hot and sunny, then the next 3 seconds it suddenly rained so hard tt xq couldnt open her eyes. the raindrops were soooo big! perhaps tts y they say weather at sea is erratic.
the route we took was from pasir ris park to Coney Island, the Ubin. now ubin, u think, small little nice cute island. wrong. its LONG not-so-little nice cute island. its sooooo long. we went to Pulau Hitam (mangrove heaven). the island is just sooooo long...
we went somewhere near ubin jetty to have lunch. and it poured. thank goodness for caps. xq cannot open her eyes again. poor xq! and huirei was busy admiring flowers in the rain. and we were very cold. after lunch, we kind of dried up so u see a not-so-wet-picture of us. heh.
pharm sister huirei : trying to project her sporty image
pharm sister xQ : her sexy shirt says "love at first sight". sorry drain.
chemistry cousin lijie : girl in purple pajamas with a hangover.
after lunch, we went to Frog island near Chek Jawa. its a very interesting island, for the shore is very very shallow starting about 10m from land! i tot i was hitting rocks, when it was actually sand. & there was ALOT of seaweed. alot alot alot. huirei paddled some into her boat & said it was for me. then after tt she threw it back into the sea. bad huirei.
i didnt know that something so pristine still existed in singapore. the ecosystem is amazing to support such growth of seaweed. there is also alot of conch shells on the beach! i landed my kayak next to a mussel too. quite amazing, still so pristine. the pictures do not do much justice to capture the sparkling waters, the glinting sunrays off the waves, the rocky formations, and the seaweed gracefully waving about. very magical!

somehow guys will hv to look for trouble. and scramble to the top. if they fall hor. i will faint lor. such a sheer drop. "hallo hallo are u okay?"

the whole bunch of 30+ of us. and oh. there were about 8 girls. haha. maybe thats why we got talked to alot. just wish someone offered to tow us back when we were rowing against the current.. hmph.

lijie & huirei still in life jacket. haha. i think we look quite cute.

me sneaking a picture of the guys climbing on the rocks. ahha. (for lijie xq and huirei). they will thank me for this picture lor.

really a pretty sight. with sails in the background, our kayaks to the left.

from Frog Island, i changed partners (no more xq) and went with lijie. heh. against the current. and we were zigzagging like crazy lor!!!! ahhhH!!! keep banging into the left Marker. haha. and he laugh at us. and the funny thing is that we were zigzagging left all the time, xq & huirei were visiting the right Marker. we take turns. and we arrived at the same time. neah neah!!!

really a fun trip. tho my arms ached so much. but is something so memorable to do, while still in NUS.. only one semester left.. no such chances already. must make full use of all such fun opportunities that come my way, before i slog my guts out at some hospital.. with my treasured fwens... such a good time we had.
(must look out for more fun things to do where the guy:gal ratio is 3:1 also)