labbing till 7pm. its the first day that i made
proniosomes! (my neverending forever and ever FYP honors project). for the rest of the world: proniosomes are lipid spherical nano drug carriers. multilamellar structures. ok. end of boring u.
the bad thing is that haloperidol (the drug tt i am working with) is light sensitive, so i hv to work in darkness in the little room of my lab. and its very cold. and i hv 7 different formulations of proniosomes. and when u suddenly come out into the sunlight u feel like a worm coming out of the ground.
proniosomes are so new, there's only 7 published papers on it. whoohoo. in fact, anyone who is doing a google search right now will probably get directed to my blog HAHHAHA. i tend to misspell it as 'porniosomes' instead of proniosomes. haha.
then that night, it was gaw's internal drive distribution. busy.
10th, TUESDAY day two 
i went for
sylvia's wedding with char, mountain and yoyo ball. we talked and laughed alot... sylvia is our CPF boss last time we worked there tog after 'a's. its so amazing tt she still invited us back again, had a great time talking girl stuff like the process of giving birth DURING the dinner. and the food was wonderful. hehehhe. u gals are crazy!!!!!!! we also got stalked by a psycho photographer. he kept talking to yoyo ball, and wanting to take photos of us. and he got traumatized when yoyo said char is a chicken. haahhha. HAHHAA.
11th, WEDNESDAY day threepharmacy mooncake festival celeb!!! but we left early once we had eaten. hahhaa. so bad right. about 50% were year4's and we all zao together. so poor thing the welfare organizer. xQ lor. haha. she was so excited (i think xQ went for the free food. then again, wt do u think i went for? Sweesung the best lor, got dinner at home, still go and compete for food with us... hahhha)
12th, THURSDAY day fouri had a jc girl's outing at orchard with
dearest von & dearest reg. this reg. she is calling everyone dearest. and we are the
bridesmaids!!!! von & i hv to start sourcing for white dresses... its gonna b so pretty at Raffles Hotel Courtyard, this garden wedding kinda thing... PRETTY... so exciting... so we went thru the programme, so exciting. and von, thx for the nice dinner treat. heehee. so sweet. =)
13th, FRIDAY day fivemy fyp flopped today. i went to lab at 8am.
labbing at EIGHT AM. but. my samples got overcoated in the gold-coating machines. and yes, its real GOLD. and it got overcoated cos the reading meter just shot out of range. and my co-supervisior n i panic. she panic for my samples. i panic cos i thought the machine was gg to explode. that meter needle.. walao, overshoot out of the range lor. scared. so, after the flop, i went back to my room to sleep. upsetttttttttt... and xq's cells died for the nth time (yesterday xq told me her cells died for the (n+1)th time.) huiyu also had problems with fyp.... everyone was quite sober & miserable... really friday the 13th...
and i went to
csc maf for a while. alot of ppl running ard in lover's park. dunno its the haze or wt but i felt dizzy and sick. haha. must b old age. not used to running ard like old times... and when i went home the new zealand couple had arrived. entertain them... call me busy.
14th, SATURDAY day sixhappy birthday to mama!!! it was my mum's bday, but we were so busy running about for ppl....
in the morning we went to the airport to send the new zealand couple to bangkok, and then went to the airport again at 11am to pick up another new zealand friend,
aunty nelly! my dad was very happy in the airport cos he kept walking past the info counter and take sweets in the bowl while the receptionist was on the phone.
aunty nelly is such an inspiration. she is a wonderful old lady, delightfully dutch, and such a granny to me. tho she is 73, and went back to new zealand from cambodia to retire from being a missionary, she got itchy fingers again, sold her house and is on her way to bandar aceh. she says "if the pope is 78 and can sit there, wave his hands and be the pope, so can i, at 73, be a missionary"... quite inspiring right?
then that afternoon i went
bowling with church youth group. i scored 58 i think. hahah. super lousy. then i changed ball and managed a 86. (balls matter).
the end of my hectic week.phew! quite an experience. phew.... time for a breather.. =)