realised i havent been blogging for ages. so hang on for some verbal diarrhoea.
firstly, would like to bitch about the AGV; this machine in ttsh that would hide round corners, suddenly zoom at u to try to knock u down and kill u. mingli mich and i even when rushing to the wards, we would pause ard corners, look ard tentatively for it, then continue rushing.. quite cartoon to see 3 gals in a hurry then unanimously pause. we even try to jisiao it by jumping in front of it then it would say "please make way for agv.. beep beep" something like that. hospital amusements. that bad shundeng. haha. here's wt i ripped from shundeng...
Oh, the AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) is this red, box, robot, vehicle thingy that runs ard TTSH carrying the food cabinets. Problem with it that is quite low, so you can't really see it if it suddenly dashes past you. And its makes turns reeeaaaallllyyyy sssslllllooooowwwwllllyyyy.... And with all the turns at TTSH, no wonder they start 2 hours before lunch, so that the food gets to the patients by lunch. Also kinda explains why hospital food kinda sucks. Cuz it was cooked long ago and was fermenting inside the cabinets while the robots go "beep beeep beeep" with purple flashing at the corners. Oh, and Chloe nearly got run over by one. A pity. Heh.