last day of sch - went w pharm sisters, chemistry cousin & engin boy to eskibar.
xQ, me hope it cheered and chilled u up!!! its a cool place. like really COOL.
as in, chilly. the freezing room is -19deg. yup! i will never marry an eskimo. whoooohoooo. and its funny to make ppl colder - you could place cold hands round their necks / put ice in their shirts / stick the drink on their cheeks /ask them to strip / let-me-think-of-more-cold-things . next time i will do that to xQ/huirei. haha. pls go but WEAR MORE. 8 drinks but 5 of us. nice colour combi eh?shit i must stop drinking. poor little liver of mine.

semesters are ending like no ones business. already hit the end of year3, and in 3 weeks time i'm offically year4. graduating year. polishing year.
do u know why they call it 'polishing year'?
so much potential to shine, but dunno whether will shine or not. its scary when u hit this point, u realise that there is such a big world out there - u can be anyone, u can be anything. conversely u can be nothing and do nothing (which i would love to; just need to find a rich-old-man-theory). but. there's so much possibility. u may start to see it as uncertainty. possibility = uncertainty.
in the future, would we be stuck on 9-5 (read: nine-to-five as in time, not bus95. cos now we do get stuck on 95). would we be all dolled up in office attire, with our pharmacotherapy jammed up in our heads. would we be on our feet all day, hectic in a hospital, stuck in a lab or having some sales pitch at the pharmacy. there is so much possibility. tho its all been said, i think we are really living very protected lives here. when we leave our nest, albeit reluctantly, with trepidation or with newfound freedom. where will we be in one year's time? its just one more year. where will smell drain lijie xq huirei yeeng be.
resistance to change.