Studies & StudyingS:
this sem, my first (and only, I hope) C+ for pharmacology. Well at least it wasn’t an F. and my other results did its canceling out effect so tt was a relief.. this sem was hard juggling newly assumed duties & studies… really… but I think I managed both okay… so glad this sem is over! early 2005 with 5 core was hellish… w a dropping cap, so this sem managed to rescue it a little.. sometimes I lose sight of the grand aim of studying to become a pharmacist… yes, always bear tt in mind, chloe, study for yourself, for the people u are gg to help in future..
Love & Hate:
still feeling faithless; I dunno wt to think of u. send me a card, u apologise; it makes u feel better, but would it, for me, did u even think. Of course not. ease ur conscience, but torment me. piece of shit. pls b more discerning. Memories consume, like opening the wound. its been a yr, i will not think anymore.
Courage for the Courageous:
think the first step was hosting VAT 05; a tad traumatizing, but w pkl its not too bad, I think I gushed too much. So these prepared me for the ultimate challenge of hosting jamX prelims.. I think tt is an achievement I am most proud of.. kept talking in tt ‘varied pitch emcee voice’.. jam x two-thousand-aaaand-fiveeeeeee….hhaha.. I rem I went on stage thrice & forgot to announce soccer results each time.. too intent on the bands… faint.. and when Lloyd of parousia co-hosted the results.. I could well have fainted.. it takes lotsa courage to emcee, but there is this 'high' when the crowd reciprocates.. =)
Duties for the Dutiful:
jamX 2005 was a blast, working w my 2 best fwens drain & one smell. I think it would not hv been a success without either of u – drain, for always being rational & practically cool, one smell for having the dreams & planning.. and of course xQ & lijie… without whose emotional support & encouragement… amazing girls.. I rem the eve of jam x, lijie me one smell hv panic attack in my room, we last min printing out prog etc.. hahha. & my jamX comm… Such wonderful memories, I love u guys…
Life in the 3rd mc as hon gen sec.. hosting the agm, preparing the report was total hell.. we had our times, didn’t we, we saw thru the largest gaw04, a try on mwts, a very successful SK’IE… yes, the times of the 3rd mc… u guys are indeed great.. little did I know I would step up as vpsp if not for the times we had, and the motivation towards the betterment of csc.. this new post is demanding, but the joy in seeing my PDs & APDs planning, my OCs slogging their hols out really makes me proud, and I know now, yes, mika & jk, for all your counsel, how this finally feels. =)
entering an RVP - Touch
lijie wished me 6 times at least in 6 diff cards... so many celeb, thx all my fwens!.. haha never felt so popular.
What Say You Say I Say:
yuncai said I have a big butt. He later abbreviated it was BB which now he says stands for Best Buddy. Right, I believe. Ek was also v bad, 5 gals in his car, me blocking his rearview mirror & he said I am big size. I was so upset. Then he later said I cant get married must go NZ cos they like big girls. I am very upset. He said I cant get married. (he insists he said ‘if’) Then xq said ‘guys like gals who are big’ (I do not wanna know wt he is defining it as). I feel freaked out. Faint. So chee-ko.
Thus ends 2005.