triste is today.
weigh'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
the elections for the 4th mc took 9 hours. 5 contested posts. NINE hours.
my 21st bday celebrations :
celeb #1: surprise chalet on 8th w everyone
celeb #2: surprise lunch at munchies on 26th w ragnaroc
celeb #3: surprise cake during elections on 27th w 3rd & 4th mc
celeb #4: not-so-surprise cake at church on 28th
celeb #5: routine dinner at jack's place w family
celeb #6: everyone in pharmacy lab singing...sweesung & ah-manda
lijie said she celeb with me 3 times liao. i think i gg to hv a bday phobia. too much liao.. argh... run from another bday cake i see.
i luv the 3rd mc. they were so sweet.. everyone was writing notes for me during the elections (how come i didnt notice) & it was pasted into a booklet.. thx mervyn & sweet lihui!!! really v meaningful.
wts my best bday gift? when i said my speech during elections- it dispelled all the doubts that i had of myself; even on the morning of elections itself. for all i said came from my heart, & i know now, for sure, that i am doing what i really wanna do for csc.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
today my ragnaroc fwens surprised me. they celeb my bday AGAIN at munchies. haha. stop it. one major celeb is enuff!!! thx to my best fwen drain. hhehe.. and then another good-food event : the roosters and the sk'ie team went for a jk-bday-and-cheek-farewell dinner at suntec swensens. quite fun, alot of funny things happen. well, u're ard csc ppl. hehe.
27th aug.. ELECTIONS - this is the day! this is the day! dunno if i shld write out my speech or do it in point form..
Monday, August 22, 2005
today was the PM's rally... and he was giving some analogy abt taogays. now couldnt he have said 'cabbage' instead? sigh. even taogay has infiltrated politics! argh! must reiterate here that taogays are POISONOUS.
but i like our PM. he has a nice kind face & a nice kind voice. and he gives awesome speeches. tho i dun agree with IR, i think he really as amazing leadership capabilities. wonder if any of my fwens will b PM of singapore in future? hmm.
Saturday, August 20, 2005

woke up. went to sch. leisurely. 0815hrs. sat on the train. thinking. cant sleep. i usu do.. decided to run for the elections. one wk of thinking is enough for me.
the morn today was so pretty and bright. and i knew, and i know, that csc would make life here so much more worth its while. i cant imagine gg to lessons after lessons, so purposeless. i know that the mc will be fulfulling. it was. and it is. so i'm gonna give it my shot. think this is my most serious post ever. yes, cheers.
the below is just some sms-s i think i'll put here. for myself. just in case i'm down & out i'd like to come back here for comfort. thanks all u fwens. really.
- heya dat'll b good! i tink u can do it! u haf e experience definitely n u're our fav chloe! :-P will support u. realli, i haf faith n confidence in u.
- am v glad u decided to do so. but i must tell you that if you dont get to serve the club in that capacity come the day, dont be sad. it'll be a hard choice =>
-dun mention it best friend. that's what best friends are for. =)
-(a very excited phone call)
-great... then there's 2 capable ppl running, mayb sit down and listen to what each other has to say, in case idealogy all different, haha.
-haha..=) great..=) in case i dont win let me wish you the best working relationship with whoever does.
-yay! =D then another sms: * hug enhui.* feel assured of club future. =)
-yay! okay!
-yes!! then another sms: i am v happy that you running. at least i feel more comfort the mv will do very well.
-yeah ;-) me love chloe
-hihi fav chloe. * also dunno abt it. mayb i shld talk to u!
-ya sure. all the best too!
Friday, August 19, 2005
that's it, i've talked to everyone in the world. in MY world perhaps. fwens who matter- encouragements, questions without answers, faltering, getting up again, looking for my courage. stepping out. stepping out. stepping out.
today i played scrabble w taogay. it was v funny; interspersed w blurps of this & that. and he didnt know wt is 'gram'.... played for 2 hours? i am so gg to b relieved when i make up my mind. gaaaaaaah. is a half-yes a yes? why am i taking so long? angry w myself for this indecision.
thought provoking... i know my ans is there.
come on, come on.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
my phone conversations.
mon - mika, 1 hr.
tue - lijie, 40 mins.
wed - drain, 30 mins.
this indecision is killing me. i think i've talked to everyone in the world. does this hesitation mean that its a 'no'? wonder how ppl can come to say yes so readily.. drain said spiderman said 'with great power comes great responsibility'.. haha, he makes it sound so funny. dunno, guys, i hope i dun disappoint u all..
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
i think i'm the first person in singapore to buy mooncakes. i bought 2 boxes today. HAHA. can i appear in the newspapers then? anyone wanna buy mooncakes go find mervyn aka bWitney. (free advertisement, mervyn pls thank me).
to run or not to run..... jk said 'am sure when the time comes, you will make a decision true to yourself.'
Saturday, August 06, 2005

woo. 1st day of sch, and i dressed for the occasion. (read, lousy). and guess what. guess guess what.
xQ & huirei & i went to orchard to slack the afternoon away.. and i was gg to meet yeeng for a nice dinner for two (supposedly to celeb national day, since e other occasion 1st day of sch is nothing worth celebrating abt. its a tragedy. anyway). here i was, and banged into xiaoyun & zhenhao on e train. did i see a shocked face? and got conned by them to go pop by the Sk'ie chalet (kenna conned by xiaoyun calling jk on the ph...)... & yeeng conned me again saying we gg fisherman's village so might as well...
so off i went.. being conned.. and went up to IDA chalet, i made a mental note to ask jk who's dad also worked in IDA.. and suspected NOTHING. am i not innocent?

saw xQ's shoes. the bright green one. and still, i didnt suspect (now on hindsight, starting to think i'm really dumb).. and opened the door, and saw uncle khengho. then uncle enyi. then papa. then xQ and huirei. then confetti in my face *courtesy of mika & jk*. HAHA. and in the midst of the chaos and noise i managed to keep standing & breathing... with like 60+ ppl... madness...
what a bang. my dunman sec fwen, wendy tan was there... my 01S14 fwens.. my Rooster fwen, Ragnaroc fwens, Shalom church fwens.. so so amazing.... and i rem saying (or shouting rather,) "papa its the wrong date.." haha. so amazing. all my fwens under one roof. and lotsa food. the catered food was amazing - $12 per head. ouch ouch on the wallet.. but i think its nice tt everyone had food & fun.... yup... like its a day when its all on you. so ego right... no wonder birthdays are not everyday (contrary to wt nemo believes - everyday is his bday)
still feeling flabbergasted..
Friday, August 05, 2005

goodbye guardian. my life, albeit hectic & suffering of the overstrained-brain-trying-to-rem-pharmacology (for the life of me). the wonderful team at TCS2, days were soooo boring but u're so wacky u do liven up e place. & i didnt dread gg to work. haha. if i were to rate a store, it would b this team coming tops in warmth, fun & laughter.
5 weeks. sounds long but isn't. do i see a future me as a retail pharmacist? i dunno.. mayb? customers can be your boon or bane. quote ivan: jerks at work. or, usually & hopefully, its what-a-nice-man! feeling... who knows?
who knows wt the future may bring?
Thursday, August 04, 2005

yup the golden rooster clan went to this amazing kelong somewhere in malaysia (the point is i dunno where, took a bumboat (bump boat) from changi & kinda got there somehow in 1.5hrs. (actually its quite bad being directionless cos if the boat sunk u dunno which way land is.) anyway. yes, about the kelong.. its this rustic place, totally ulu. totally creaky. totally woodish & backward. so olden-times feeling, so back-to-nature feeling..
i think ours was kinda big cos he had like a porch (floating) and dangerously slanting chicken runs (i mean wooden gangways) that u would like kinda trip on & land in the sea. and not-to-b-leaned-on poles & stuff.. then u enter the kitchen, then the dining & lounge if i may call it, and a back porch w bbq pits & stuff.
we went to c the fish things. (i dunno wt they are) erm, nets-in-the-sea with

the yummy food was secondary, the company was wt made the trip so so so memorable. its amazing how fwens can warm ur heart. how they make times so fun. tt's wt life's for. friendship with this grp of v v v special ppl is really indescribable. its the camaraderie we share, the jokes & laughter, the crazy things we do tog. makes life so so beautiful. wanna hug all my golden rooster fwens. i luv u guys.
the sunset was amazing. the sky was painted this vivid beautiful pink, we had the clouds up above like heaven smiling down on us. oh wonderous creation! it was such a pretty pretty sky. and it lasted for only like 10 mins... the effect intensified then it became less & less vivid... like life's ups and downs i feel. it was such a glorious sky.
we sat ard the porch, talking abt csc 4th mc & other stories... till the bbq (w amazing chicken wings). we also saw him net fish (heaps & heaps all squiggling ard) outta the water at like 1am-ish... it certainly is a very rustic experience. we pee-ed into a hole straight into the sea.. bathed by scooping water from a bucket (i had soapy hair, yucks.) we slept on lau-nua-smelling pillows & floor boards (mika's description.. yee).. woke up w damp hair from the dew...yes, certainly an experience unforgettable.
the next morn the sunrise was again, something. i'm just speechless. thankyou God for creating this beautiful beautiful world. for giving me wonderful friends. for life that i am living it so abundantly. for everything. for i am but a creation too.